Simple steps make a big difference!
1. Step One
What do you love to do? If you are not sure, think of what it is that makes your heart sing. When you are doing that thing you love to do - time stands still and nothing else exists. Step One is to figure out what your dream is.
2. Step Two
Make time for your dream activity - set aside a few hours or better yet one evening a week (4 hours) and make a firm committment to it. Whether you are taking a course to learn more about what you want to do or practicing, does not matter but be sure that you use the time you set aside to do it. As you can (and want to) devote a little more time. If you set aside four hours a week for example,
within a year you would have devoted two hundred and fifty eight hours to work on your dream - that is a week and a half!
3.Step Three
Change your attitudes that may be in your way. Affirmations are important. Decide where you are going and what you want in your life and then write up a list of affirmations. Say them twice or three times a day to reprogramme your subconscious. Take a little time - at least seven minutes a day - to imagine yourself actually doing and being in your dream life.
A Personal Example
Just small steps each day can add up. Eight years ago, I decided to dedicated one night a week to drawing. Previously I had had trouble finding time to indulge in my passion for art but after making the commitment, the time seemed to not only be available but I found even more. Within a year, I had a large portfolio of work. The next year I began entering local art exhibitions. Within a year, I began to write as well and made time for that. Today I have published three books and have three more almost finished - written and illustrated. I write and draw instead of watching TV - amazing how much time that frees up.
So I ask again, what are you doing today to create the future you want? You have the power - use it!