I don't mind stress. Or at least I didn't. I have lived under duress or with stress most of my life. Pretty much a type "A" personality and although I meditate and know how to de-stress at will, I don't always allow myself the time and space to do so. I figured that was pretty much normal for the 21st century.
I don't think that anymore. You see, over the last two weeks I chose to allow myself to relax, really relax, while I did a Candida cleanse I stopped using coffee as much and cut down on sugar and wheat. I won't claim to have gotten rid of them. It was different. And I realized I prefer life that way.
Tomorrow, I have to return to work. I work in a high pressure industry and if I choose not to start my day with caffeine, I will not be able to manage my ADHD well enough to have the focus I need to do my job at my usual efficiency. I resent the fact that in order to do my job, I need to be hopped up on caffeine. Granted, we are not talking about an opiod or heroin, but it is a drug, I would rather not use anymore.
What is wrong with our society? Or rather, how did we get to a situation where I have this dilemma?
We are so alienated from nature and the natural way of doing things that we set times to get up, which do not coincide with daylight. We have good evidence that this is not physically (or emotionally) good for us but we do it anyway. We work in jobs, which do not really pay us properly for our time, or if they do, they do not give us the opportunity to marry self-care with the hours or break times for that job. We have done, what I did, deluding ourselves to think that stress and whatever form of adaptation to it we have to make (caffeine as a case in point) is perfectly okay and sane.
It is not.
True, historically it used to be worse and I am grateful that we are not working in the coal mines of Britain back at the turn of the last century. Our lot is a better one. But it is not yet humaine. There are now more opportunities than there used to be to avoid my dilemma. But we need to work toward a less stressful work life.
It's one of my new year's resolutions.
What are yours?