The popularity of government is falling. Like the control system of monarchy long ago it has fallen from grace as more and more people take a good look at what is really going on. How many of the Prime Ministers and their appointed Ministers have been accused (or convicted) of stealing from the taxpayers? How many have been partaking in schemes to line their own pockets while fleecing other people's? And why do none of them ever deliver on their promises?
Small wonder so many Canadians are voting with their feet - putting them up on their coffee tables and NOT going to vote.
The Evolution of Government
Government has not always been with us. As I alluded to earlier it was Monarchy that formerly ruled most of the world. In many places it still is maintained and some would say it rules the world still, even if it does so secretly. The people had had enough of monarchy and its brutal treatment of the most vulnerable, its constant wars and personal excesses, back around the time of the French Revolution. So things changed (on the surface anyway). Elected governments were offered to a public fed up with monarchy.
What is Government?
We have a tendency to forget that words have meaning and that we need to look back to origins to find out what things stand for. With time these things can become obscured. Let's examine therefore what the word government actually means. The word comes from the Latin "Gubernatio" to command and "Ment" the mind, it literally means these people are in command of mind. Government, elected or not, is there to command our minds, as are the other institutions that have grown out of government - like public schooling.
What do we contribute?
When elected governments began, people believed they were being allowed a voice. So they supported them by voting. How do governments continue to be in control? We elect them. We agree to it. By putting our "x" in the box, we signify our willingness to be bound by the government and all it entails. This includes paying the taxes that they tell us we owe.
Stagnation breeds contempt
Round and round we go: In with the Liberals - they lied, stole, cheated and didn't make good on their promises, so out with them. In with the Conservatives - oops! Same stuff, different party! If you realize that insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result, you could say that the truth is that the people who don't vote are quite sane, while the others...well, maybe they are just acting out of habit. Let's face it...
How could it be different?
We pay them to make decisions that if we worked together we could make together. In this world of technology it would be simple to put things to a vote on cell phones. We could have a real democracy. There is at least one real democracy in the world. It is in a section of Switzerland. They all show up and vote. Of course that wouldn't work here. But we could go online and vote. We, the many, should be in charge of the country not the few priviliged ones who get in and follow their own (or someone higher's) agenda.
The secret
This is why all the propaganda: they know something they don't want you to know - the Canadian public that doesn't vote is saying they do NOT support government. In the 2011 election 39% of eligible voters DID NOT choose government. That has to have them shaking in their boots because the truth is we want change!
If you want to get the Canadian's out to vote, lay off on the propaganda and actually change things. No one likes to be snowed and the nonsense wears thin as more people come awake.
Want us to vote? Then be worth voting for!
We want back in the game! Move over and make room if you want more people to get interested in what you are doing! Then you might have a real election instead of the joke it is now.
But that would take honesty, integrity, transparency, laying aside the hidden agenda and actually working from the ground level up to involve all Canadians and reflect the changes in the status quo that need to occur as we move away from what isn't working and into a better future and after all, what politician is up for that?
So Rick, you may be well meaning, but seriously, there's only so many times you can resell old junk to people before they get wise that they're being had. That is the real reason why many Canadians will NOT GO to the polls. They're tired of the same old rhetoric, even if it is painted Green. Show us something new, something real, something we can get behind and rally around, and not the old sabre rattling around terrorists and other such assorted nonsense. Where is the free energy? Where is prosperity for all? Where is taking 10% off the defense budget so that we can feed and shelter all Canadians? Try putting that on the platform and then before your promises get moldy, take them out and follow through, despite threats from your controllers (you know, the ones who lurk in the shadows and wheel and deal) tell them you're not playing their chess game. I double dare you! Won't do it? Then do not complain about the low voter turn out. Be the change you want to see!