It was a beautiful late spring day today and I had just gotten a drink of water inside, after spending a couple of hours in my garden. A knock at the door was preceded by my dogs barking, announcing the presence of an unknown visitor.
The visitor was a young man with a clipboard, who had come in a new truck, with H20 emblazoned on. He was pleasant and he opened a folder and asked about who lived in the house. To my surprise, he had a copy of my land his folder. The land title is not something that should be able to be searched unless permission is given. Yet he had it.
He was an employee of an Oil and Gas company and told me that they were going to taking care of any alerts and "protecting" certain properties. He showed me a map and had a brochure. He asked for some information and said the giving of it was voluntary. I gave him none and asked him to not come back.
The experience left me upset. How had someone I had never met and//or a company I do not work for gained access to my land title deed? Who is this company to be now "protecting" me? And who are they to come and "alert " me to things that they are doing that may be harmful to my health? Why would they then be allowed by the government to do these things that may be harmful to my health?
The "what is going on?" goes further: Does the company now own the land on the map? If so, it could certainly search title and get the deed. But if that is the case, why am I paying a mortgage to the bank?
And where is the government in all of this? Don't I pay taxes to be protected from exactly this sort of thing?
I am perplexed. I want to know "what is going on"?