Dharma is described in general terms as the stuff which holds all things together. Your dharma is your "reasonable service" to the world, the end realization of your particular gift, whatever that might be. It is the legacy (if any) that one leaves to the world. It is a combination of all you have to offer and it must be freely given with no thought of return. Someone who might personify dharma is Mother Theresa. Each of us has the ability to be extraordinary and at this particular juncture of history it is important that we all use our gifts to help solve the problems we must now face. You are not "normal". We are all spiritual beings having an earthly experience and as such we are talented and extraordinary, each in their own way. Try telling yourself that on a regular basis. At first you might laugh, or have a little voice in your head that says "Are you kidding me?", or you might hear your critical aunt, father, mother, teacher, or someone else's voice saying "You? You'll never amount to much!" Ignore it. Keep telling yourself that you are extraordinary and unique and that you have a gift to share with the world. If you don't believe that anyone can be extraordinary and you are making excuses to yourself, watch this and be inspired. No whining, no excuses! Just embrace your destiny and be everything you can! Someone is waiting for you to inspire them!
Most of us have heard, or used the term kharma but what about the term dharma? Both of the terms come from the Buddhist tradition, which holds to the reincarnation of the soul through different lifetimes. Kharma is the debt occurred when one wrongs another. It is held to be the law, and justice, that any debt incurred must be repaid. This is not a punishment meted out by an angry god; It is simply the spirit's acknowledgement that the scales must be balanced before more progress can occur. These kharmic debt repayment plans are as many and varied as are those that incur them but suffice it to say, they are generally unpleasant experiences. Hence the idea of "bad kharma". Dharma is described in general terms as the stuff which holds all things together. Your dharma is your "reasonable service" to the world, the end realization of your particular gift, whatever that might be. It is the legacy (if any) that one leaves to the world. It is a combination of all you have to offer and it must be freely given with no thought of return. Someone who might personify dharma is Mother Theresa. Each of us has the ability to be extraordinary and at this particular juncture of history it is important that we all use our gifts to help solve the problems we must now face. You are not "normal". We are all spiritual beings having an earthly experience and as such we are talented and extraordinary, each in their own way. Try telling yourself that on a regular basis. At first you might laugh, or have a little voice in your head that says "Are you kidding me?", or you might hear your critical aunt, father, mother, teacher, or someone else's voice saying "You? You'll never amount to much!" Ignore it. Keep telling yourself that you are extraordinary and unique and that you have a gift to share with the world. If you don't believe that anyone can be extraordinary and you are making excuses to yourself, watch this and be inspired. No whining, no excuses! Just embrace your destiny and be everything you can! Someone is waiting for you to inspire them!
June 2019
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