The pope quits and the Vatican gets zapped? Gives rise to speculation, doesn't it? It's none of my business really but after all the historical wrongs (the Spanish Inquisition and witch hunts, persecutions, and more recently cover ups) that have come from this particular source - you have to wonder here. Maybe the powers that be are not very happy, you think? Or maybe it was just a random lightning storm?
On the theme of "no woman is an island" this site and the two that I am about to tell you about are an attempt to build a community. In our fragmented society this is not an easy task but unity is our only way out of our dilemma. Unity with each other and with nature is the hope that we can have. It takes a community and it takes solitude to form a healthy person. Community for role models and relationships which can help the person to identify those aspects of themselves they have trouble accepting and can only see by reflection/projection onto others for example. Add to that the needed time for self-reflection and you have the possibility that the person can self-actualize. Here I am trying to put forth topics of discussion to individuals with many and varied interests. There is another site which deals primarily with education and the advancement (or not) of our ability to help the young move along the road to finding and realizing their potential. That site is found at Worth looking at! Another site which has recently been established by myself and Mateus Levy is It tends to be for those who are more interested in esoteric knowledge. Thanks Rumi, so true! The old adage “You are what you eat” may be partially true yet it is incomplete. We are what we repeatedly think and feel. While what we eat does affect that, it does not determine it. What we repeatedly think and feel sets up our vibration, that which we are tuned to, if you will. This vibration is synched to our emotional state – love and joy are high vibratory emotions, while sadness, fear, and anger are low in vibration. Our energy field which surrounds our bodies reflects our vibrational state. Our vibration is like a key with which doors of opportunity are opened for us in our lives. We do this either consciously or unconsciously depending on the level of our awareness or awake-ness (you could read consciousness here). It is like a default font on your computer if you will. If you do not intentionally change the default, it will always reset to the same place. Vibration is important – your opportunities, the people in your life, your circumstances, and your happiness and health are at stake. So how do you consciously change a vibration which is giving you some or lots of what you don’t want? By taking a good long look in the mirror and being honest with yourself. Don’t ask what society wants you to be, most of us have gone that route and found it to be a serious dead end. Ask yourself the following four questions: © Who am I? © What talents do I have? © What do I really want? © How can I contribute to the greater good? The quest for the answers to those four questions are the really important questions in life, answer them and you will have to raise your vibration. If you are having trouble identifying the answers, there is an alternate route. Focus on love and gratitude every day. Deal with troubles without complaining or allowing yourself to get lost in anger, frustration, or self-pity. Banish fear from your life and don’t watch anything or be around anyone who brings up negative emotions until you have a handle on being able to feel love and gratitude for anything and everything that happens. Eat well, exercise, do yoga, meditate, enjoy life! Watch inspirational videos, listen to uplifting music, and go to workshops to help yourself figure out how to focus on the positive, higher emotional states. Fake it until you make it! You can completely turn your life around! There will be on-going “how to’s” on site – stay tuned! At left you see a typical Canadian family in the winter. True they do look a bit odd, but given that fifty percent or more of marriages end in divorces, it is not really so surprising. Interesting that the long awaited holiday for February - the only month without one - is named Family Day. Does this mean they are going to start coming out with cards and promote gift giving on this day, like they have done with Mother's and Father's Day? I wouldn't be a bit surprised. Like the good consumers that we have dutifully become, many of us will rush delightedly to the stores and buy, buy, buy! Are we all cracked? Family Day? When the families and marriages of so many are in dire straits? If they have to make an institution of it to keep it around, you know it is in trouble! I am happy for those who have experienced great bliss in their family life - all five of you! Just kidding! I'm sure that number must be somewhat higher. Still with all the stats against it, people can't wait to rush blissfully into the altered state of marriage'; some probably simply to not have to spend time alone with themselves any longer. Misery does love company after all and if nothing else it gives an on-going source of things to complain about, which sometimes seems to be the Great Canadian Pastime. Sorry, a bit caustic I know but I think I'm miffed that they couldn't name it Peace Day or Kindness Day or even move Earth Day and give us a day off, so we really could keep our consumption down. But no, Family Day it is! 'nuff said! Driving down a solitary Saskatchewan road connecting the two sections of the Trans-Canada Highway, I looked into a field on my left hand side after half an hour of nothing punctuated by the occasional three or four corner dusty townlet. What did I see? Cows, horses, sheep? No! I saw one lone, (albeit not blue like the fellow at the left)llama - how random! There was no other animal in the field - just Mr. or Ms. llama. I thought it to be an extraordinary experience (not exactly spiritual of course) and worthy of naming something after. So, being an author, I named my website and now my publishing company after it. Okay, so Excalibur and the Lady of the Lake it may not have been, still it was rural Saskatchewan - what do you expect? I took it to be a sign and I'm holding to it. Sneer if you like- I am impervious! And now I have satisfied your curiosity You know that you are moving along the path of your life effectively when synchronicity happens on a regular basis. Synchronicity is experienced by everyone at some point. Perhaps you have been just thinking of a former classmate and then that person calls you. For me some days are better synchronistically than others. Some days I go out to pick up milk and meet people who offer to help me with something I have just decided to do, or people that I can help. People come in and out of your life for a reason. We like to have things stay the same; That seems easier to us, since we have gone to school and learned routines as a way of life. Yet we need change. We need challenges and obstacles to flex our capacities and grow. If we are flowing with life, accepting the things we can't change with courage and changing the things we can with kindness, then things just seem to fall into place to smooth our way. When we are going the wrong way, we are at first gently tapped on the shoulder, then punched in the shoulder, then knocked flat off of our feet (figuratively speaking) by our life. This allows us to reassess our direction. It is often a blessing in disguise, which allows us to get back on the right track and move forward. We know that we are on that track because suddenly things start going our way again. How do we get there?
Good question! George Bernard Shaw, the famous English author said, "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are, I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want and if they can't find them, make them!" So how do you make your circumstances what you want? Quantum physics experiments have shown us that we affect our surroundings. (See Gregg Braden's work or Nassim Harramein) One of the main ways is through our vibration - that is the emotions and feelings that you hold in your body. Hold good emotions - joy, happiness, gratitude, love - and your vibration is high and positive. Hold bad emotions - boredom, anger, fear, hate - and your vibration is low and negative. There is a continuum of the emotions of course. Like attracts like. Positive emotions attract positive experiences. Negative emotions attract more negative. The choice is yours. When you are experiencing the synchronicity in your life, you are in the positive vibration. So think positive! |
June 2019
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