I started cutting out the news. I slept better. At first I worried that I might become "uninformed" but then I realized that with the internet, that wasn't going to happen. On the other hand, with the internet, I was in control of what I watched or not. Although theoretically, I was with television too, it wasn't as easy to manage with the point and click. I felt more peaceful not watching all the sensationalism and doom and gloom of the news.
Then I cut out commercials. I remembered being in Germany and having no commercials at all. True they had them running on a regular basis all together and some of them were pretty hilarious - the Evian Water roller skating babies, remember? That was European. - but you could easily avoid them.
After that I took a hard look at all the so-called "reality" shows based on drama and bad relationship skills. Who needs to watch other people being mean to each other? So that went next. Besides, the whole thing is totally contrived. If it is a real "reality" show - who is filming the thing? Don't think it's just some guy with a phone!
So what was left - a few nature documentaries, some old or new movies? Not really anything I couldn't get some other way. And I hate nostalgia! I believe in living in the now and besides the "good old days" had the same problems we have (or at least a good portion of them) except no one dared talk about them!
So finally I took the plunge1 I called up my cable company and said I wanted to get rid of my television. She didn't believe me and figured I just wanted to have a different bundle. I wrangled with her and she finally said that she would get someone to call me back. Think they did? Nope!
So after the third time of trying politely to end my love affair with TV. I called up and said, "I have your modem and if you want it back alive, you need to tell me where to drop it off!" After a moment of stunned silence, some poor young fellow, gave me an address in my locality where I could do just that. I think the shock factor helped.
Since then I have had numerous calls from the company, asking me to take back television. I said no thanks I can tell myself my own vision and that is far better for me and I don't need to be programmed by anyone.
But Gaiam TV? Wow! Gregg Braden, Doreen Virtue, Nassim Harramein, Deepakc Choprah to name just a few! All kinds of people I read and watch on Youtube. Topics like spirituality, Science, Ancient history - quality stuff! Informative interviews! What tell - a vision should be uplifiting, inspiring, educational! Where has this been? Why did no one tell me it was here? This is what mainstream T.V. had the promise of being, a promise that was never achieved. And it is only $9 ish a month - as opposed to like $100! That 's a no-brainer!
What a great find at Christmas! Like finding an extra present under the tree!
I'm passing it on to any of the rest of you inquiring minds - who are tired of having to eat information dredged out of someone's back pocket or paid for by the powers that be. Check it out and feed your need for expansion! Let me know what you think!