I was just listening to George Carlin's "Napalm and Silly Putty". He was a master of wordplay. His jousting and unravelling of our “time” vocabulary is worth the listening too – it is around the 12 minute mark. But he brings up so many good points.
Time has always fascinated me I wrote a Master's Thesis investigating the nature of time. Many pilosophers have treated this subject yet although they grapple with it, they never master it
Time is fluid It is an oscillation which is not always the same. And it can be suspended if you can step into that oscillation. Doubt me?
Let's examine it then. When you are not engaged in an activity, time goes slowly, correct? Yet when you are having a wonderful time, what happens? Time is gone in a flash.. And if you have a favourite activity, one that you are good at and love to do – time will seem not to have passed at all. Doubt me now?
Here's a fact that surprized me when I found it out. Do you remember the Accutron watches? They were the watches, that had a tuning fork inside to run it. Most of our watches are not the winding kind anymore, but they use a quartz crystal. \The crystal receives a pulse and generates the running of the mechanism The crystal mechanism is surrounded by an aluminum shield. Why aluminum? They use aluminum because apparently the aluminum blocks spikes in the fluctuation of the pulse It keeps the time regular. The Accutron watches did not have aluminum shielding, which made the watches unreliable. Unreliable? Is time unreliable and we have been covering it up? Is this another coverup?
We have never explicity told that time is reliable and that time is always the same yet somehow we have absorbed this idea.
Our own experiences and experiences and the Accutron watch are enough to clue us in to the truth: Time is not a constant.
And if it is not then what is it ? And more importantly why are we such slaves to it? Why do we rely on it?
Suddenly, making appointments on time doesn't seem such a priority to me. Just sayin'....